Bot Reactions are available to be utilized globally as well as for specific countries and are reactions to employee experiences while engaging with MeBeBot that allow for customers to customize or add personality specific to your company’s brand.
Here is a quick video on Bot Reactions: click here

The 1st Bot Reaction that can be found only under Global is the Welcome Message. By hovering over the “i” icon you can see that the default Welcome Message reads, “Hi, Im MeBeBot, your Intelligent Assistant.” This can easily be changed by clicking on the Add button and adding your Company’s name to make the Welcome more personalized for your employees. You can also pull any Global Placeholder (for instance Company Name) in your response.
Once an employee selects their location, they are provided with Instructions. Again, the “i” Icon gives you a glimpse into the default Instructions message that employees currently receive. Instructions can be updated to be not only specific to your Company’s MeBeBot instance but also can be updated for each specific country. By clicking on the Add button, you can create your own custom Instructions for employees!
When an employee provides Feedback on the Answer that they have received to their Question in MeBeBot, the response to either the Helpful or Not Helpful Feedback can also be customized - globally as well as specific to each country. For instance, when an employee rates an Answer as Not Helpful, you can add a response that provides contact information for them to escalate their question to various teams utilizing the Placeholders that are already updated in your Portal.
When there is not a currently Enabled answer for your employee’s question, they will receive the Fallback Answer. The default Fallback Answer is “I am sorry I am still learning! Please rephrase your question using a complete sentence and try again!” this can also be customized to provide contact information or relevant, specific employee updates that are coming soon.